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The Meaning of the Ntemiship System
Explain the meaning of the ntemiship system
Ntemiship is a socio-political organization or system characterized by being made up of separated groups. The word Ntemiship is derived from the word Kutema which means split apart. The ruler in a Ntemiship system was called Mtemi. The Nyamwezi tribe practiced the Ntemiship system.
The Social, Political and Economic Organisation of Ntemiship
Explain the social, political and economic organization of ntemiship
Ntemi comes from the word ”kutema” which means opening up of new land. It also means finding a locality Ntemi was the name given to a leader who organized the action of opening up new land and controlled the people.Ntemiship was being practiced in Unyamwezi by 1300 AD.It then spread in the neighbouring such as the sukuma,sangu,hehe,kimbu,gogo and bena of Tanzania.There were about 300 Ntemiship in Tanzania in the 18th C. Among the sukuma, the ruler in Ntemiship organization was called Ntemi. He became Ntemi because he founder he was founder of the locality.He was chosen by a counsel of elders choosing a person to become Ntemi depended on his wisdom courage and experience.
Responsibilities of the Ntemi:
1.     He was the top authority in the political and matters provided over all guidance in the community.
2.     He enforced proper uses of resources such as land,water,forest resources etc.
3.     He was the overseer of the community food reserve.
4.     He settled disputes in the community.
5.     He had the religious power. He led the people in his community in performing religious and offering sacrifices to the sprits.
6.     To collect tributes from his subjects.
He provided over all guidance in the society
