- Scramble for and Partition of Africa
- explain the meaning of scramble for and partition of Africa
- Assess the causes of the scramble for Africa leading to the partition
- Explain why areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others
- Assess the impact of the scramble for and partition of Africa
- The Berlin Conference (1884-85)
- Explain the events leading to the Berlin conference (1884/85)
- Evaluate the resolutions of the Berlin conference
- Assess the significance of the Berlin conference to Africa
- Establishment of Colonial Control/Rule
- Explain the concept of colonialism
- Explain the tactics used to impose colonial control /rule in Africa
- African Reactions to Colonial Rule
- Explain the meaning of African reactions to colonial rule
- Explain the various form of African reactions
- Account for the causes of and reasons for the different African reactions
- Assess the factors which determined the nature of African reactions
- Direct Rule, Indirect Rule, Assimilation and Association
- Explain the concept of direct rule, indirect rule, assimilation and association
- Appraise the motive for the application of various colonial administrative systems
- Analyse the similarities and differences of the colonial administrative systems
- Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and impact of the colonial administrative systems on Africa
- Colonial Military and Colonial Legal Institutions
- Explain the meaning of colonial military and colonial legal institutions
- Analyse critically the functions of each colonial military and colonial legal institutions
- Establishment of Colonial Economy
- Explain the meaning and objectives of colonial economy
- Analyse critically the tactics used to establish colonial economy
- Sectors of Colonial Economy
- Identify the various sectors of colonial economy
- Explain the features of each sector of the colonial economy
- Assess the impact of the establishment of various sectors of colonial economy on Africa
- Colonial Labour
- Explain the concept of colonial labour
- Analyse the tactics used to create colonial labour
- analyse the types of colonial labour
- Assess the impact of the establishment of colonial labour to African societies
- Colonial Education
- Analyse the objectives of colonial education
- Analyse the features of colonial education
- Assess the impact of colonial education on African societies
- Colonial Health Services
- Analyse the objectives of colonial health services
- Provision of Water and Housing Services during the Colonial Era
- Explain the motive for the provision of colonial water and housing services
- Analyse the distribution pattern of water and housing services
- Assess the impact of the provision of colonial water and housing services on African societies
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