THREATS TO WORLD PEACE AFTER WWII This was the part of mounting (results) of political and ideological tension between the communist with socialist ideology led by the former USSR and the western block with capitalism ideology led by U.S.A. The cold war started after the former USSR became the most powerful nation leading the socialist nations in the world while U.S.A became the most powerful nation economically, politically and militarily leading the capitalist nation in the world especially after WWII of 1945. Factors for the rise of cold war/Causes 1. Ideological differences between the eastern block with socialist ideology and western block with capitalist ideology; hence the two ideologies existed in the world history since Russian revolution up to early of 1990’s led to the existence of the cold war between the eastern block following socialism under the former USSR and the western block following capitalism under U.S.A. 2. Russia motives of grabbing and occupying terr...
THE EMERGENCE OF U.S.A AS A NEW CAPITALIST SUPER POWER FACTOR FOR RISE OF U.S.A AS A LEADING SUPER POWER At the beginning U.S.A was a British colony which gained her independence on 1776; after the six years of war with British soldiers but from 20 th which U.S.A began to rise as a big leading capitalist in the world. NOTE: The emergence of USA as a super leading power took place after WWI of 1914 – 1918, however from the end of WWII U.S.A become a leading capitalist power while British superiority declined completely due to the following reasons:- 1. U.S.A did not directly involved in both world wars of 1914 - 1918, 1939 – 1945. Due to the outbreak of world wars; U.S.A gained a lot and these gave U.S.A to build her economy and industries without any disturbance for many years because no war fought in U.S.A soilhence no destruction was ever experienced on U.S.A soil e.g. no destruction of factories, banks, infrastructure, agricultural and trade but also during the war USA su...